Bringing a new dog into your life is a major decision and with it comes important responsibilities. Just as important as it is for us to be a responsible breeder, we believe in a partnership with the new owner to support them in being responsible owners. Being a responsible dog owner is essential to your dog’s continued health and well-being. Part of JoMo Kennels' sales contract includes the following pledge of ownership in which we ask the new dog owner to agree to:
Have their dog examined by a licensed veterinarian shortly after bringing the dog home (preferably within two to three business days).
Ensure that their dog is always cared for both physically and emotionally, including by providing proper shelter, food, water, exercise, grooming, human contact, stimulation and protection from bodily harm.
Take care when socializing young puppies to minimize the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as parvovirus or kennel cough. Encourage puppies to play with healthy, vaccinated adult dogs such as those owned by family members and friends at your home or theirs, and with healthy vaccinated puppies in well-run puppy classes. Avoid public spaces with dogs of unknown health status (e.g. pet stores, dog parks) until the puppy is fully vaccinated.
Not sell or trade the dog to any pet shop, wholesaler or broker for any reason whatsoever.
Ensure their dogs have permanent identification (by microchip, tattoo, or otherwise).
Have their dog receive a veterinary exam at least once per year.
Seek immediate veterinary care in the event of sickness or injury.
Unless otherwise agreed with their breeder, have their dog spayed/neutered at an appropriate age for the breed and based on consultation with their veterinarian.
Keep the breeder informed about any physical or behavioral health problems that arise in any dog obtained from them, especially health problems that are known to be heritable or that have unknown causes.
Regardless of the reason or circumstances, notify the breeder if they are ever unable to keep their dog so that the breeder can either take the dog back or help in rehoming them.
Notify the breeder of any change of address and/or phone number for their records.
Keep in touch with their breeder and send them lots of pictures. This one is optional but highly encouraged!